Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, ISSA Case study help

Case Study 2

Calculations: Calculate the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.

Training Program: Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training program. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Include the following in your case study submission:

  • A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process (Unit 12)
  • Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the clientÕs needs
  • Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile
  • A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations.
  • Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs
  • Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don’t forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the clientÕs history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Review the Client Profile below.

Client Profile: Peter Parker

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Resting Heart Rate: 80 bpm

Height: 6’4″

Weight: 252 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 29%

Background and Goals: Peter is a 28-year-old civil servant with a 9-to-5 desk job. He is 6’4″ tall and weighs 252 lb. He played football and basketball in high school and some intramural sports in college, but has not worked out or been very active since. His diet is sporadic and consists of mostly processed and prepackaged foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Peter’s goals are to lose weight, tone his body, and lead a healthier lifestyle. Based on Peter’s current lifestyle and existing exercise and nutrition habits, design a 12-week progressive training program to help him best achieve his goals.

Expert Solution Preview

For this case study, we are tasked with designing a personalized 12-week periodized training program for Peter Parker, a 28-year-old civil servant with a sedentary lifestyle and a desire to improve his overall health and fitness. Additionally, we must calculate Peter’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, identify specific conditions in his client profile, develop nutritional strategies, and explain the rationale behind our assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations.

To calculate Peter Parker’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula, we will first need to determine his maximum heart rate (MHR). We can estimate MHR by subtracting Peter’s age from 220, resulting in a value of 192 beats per minute (bpm). Next, we will need to determine Peter’s resting heart rate (RHR), which is given in the profile as 80 bpm. Using these values, we can calculate Peter’s target heart rate as follows:

Target Heart Rate =
((MHR – RHR) x Desired Intensity) + RHR

Assuming a desired intensity of 60-80%, we can calculate Peter’s target heart rate range as follows:

Target Heart Rate Range =
(192 – 80) x (0.6 – 0.8) + 80
= 134.4 – 153.6 bpm

Thus, Peter’s target heart rate range for cardiovascular exercise should be between 134.4 and 153.6 bpm.

As for the 12-week periodized training program, we recommend the following:

Phase 1 (Weeks 1-4)
Goal: Improve cardiovascular endurance and build a foundation for strength training
– Type of Exercise: Low-impact cardio (e.g. walking, cycling, elliptical) for 30-40 minutes, 3 days per week
– Intensity: 60-70% of target heart rate
– Sets/Reps: N/A
– Rest Intervals: N/A
– Other Notes: Encourage Peter to keep a food journal to track his daily intake and identify areas for improvement

Phase 2 (Weeks 5-8)
Goal: Increase muscular endurance and prepare for resistance training
– Type of Exercise: Combination of low-impact cardio and bodyweight exercises (e.g. squats, lunges, push-ups), 4 days per week
– Intensity: 70-80% of target heart rate
– Sets/Reps: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps for each exercise
– Rest Intervals: 30-60 seconds between sets
– Other Notes: Provide Peter with sample meal plans that prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods and offer suggestions for healthy meal prep

Phase 3 (Weeks 9-12)
Goal: Increase strength and continue progress towards weight loss
– Type of Exercise: Resistance training (e.g. weightlifting, resistance bands), 3-4 days per week
– Intensity: 80-90% of target heart rate
– Sets/Reps: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps for each exercise
– Rest Intervals: 60-90 seconds between sets
– Other Notes: Emphasize the importance of adequate sleep for recovery and encourage Peter to experiment with new healthy recipes to keep his nutrition plan interesting and sustainable

Additionally, we recommend the following nutritional strategies to support Peter’s goals:
– Prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods (e.g. vegetables, fruit, lean protein)
– Avoid or limit processed and pre-packaged foods
– Aim for balanced meals that include protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates
– Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary beverages
– Practice mindful eating by focusing on hunger and fullness cues

Overall, our program recommendations are designed to gradually increase the intensity and complexity of Peter’s workouts while also prioritizing sustainable lifestyle changes that support his overall health and wellness. By combining cardiovascular exercise, bodyweight exercises, and resistance training with a balanced, nutritious diet and mindfulness practices, Peter can achieve his goals of weight loss, body toning, and improved overall health.

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